Friday, March 30, 2012


It's already March of 2012. I haven't posted since October 6th 2011. That's amazing.

Well, despite the disappointing tone of my previous post about Fall Quarter -- Winter quarter managed to be worse. Some things happened in Winter break that were good. I hung out with my friends and ate lots of good food. I dunno what changed, but Winter quarter took a nose dive. It was the most sad I've felt for a constant period of time. It was the most busy but stressful times. I wasn't motivated, I lost a few of my good friends. It was awful. I decided that something needed to change.

I'm taking a break from college...and ultimately I think it was the best mental and financial decision. I am able to pay thousands of dollars less for credits from community college. The professors have pretty decent ratings, too. I really hope I can improve myself this year.

The job search is quite a difficult feat, and I'm hoping to soon overcome it.